Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is fast, cost-effective, and helps you generate better ROI for your business. But getting the most out of your email marketing campaign isn’t easy. Though it takes time, effort and patience, it is very worth the effort. A well-strategic email campaign helps you to interact with high-quality leads and build a stronger and more meaningful relationship with your audience. In order to run successful email marketing campaigns, you need to fine-tune your email marketing strategy. In this guide, we’ll walk through some essential best email marketing tips for better conversions.

Grow Your Email List:

The very first step in running a successful email marketing campaign is to target the right people and build an email list with them. Building an email marketing list is not only time-consuming but critical also. To get most of your email list, you need to build it organically. Create a signup form, place it anywhere on your site, and ask your visitors to fill out the form. You can ask for visitors’ email addresses, names, locations, date of joining your list, and any other information. But it’s best practice to keep your signup form sweet and short. Once your user fills it in, they will be automatically added to the mailing list.

It may take some time to build your email list or you may have only a few people on your list. But don’t get discouraged. Don’t even think to purchase an email list. Remember, people in the purchased email list have never agreed to receive emails from you nor they will be interested in your brand. So it will not give you anything rather than wasting your time. On the other hand, an organic email list takes time but helps you to reach people who want to receive your messages and who will engage with your content.

Segment Your Email List:

After building your email list, it’s obvious that you may want to utilize the list in the most effective way. This is where email list segmentation comes forward. Segmenting your email list is the process of dividing your email subscribers into smaller groups by using specific criteria so that you can send them more relevant emails. After all, each of your subscribers and their tastes are different. So, rather than blasting every email to your entire email list, personalized email definitely going to do well.

Segmentation can drastically improve the effectiveness of any email campaign. Suppose, if you email the men on your list about your company’s new women’s clothing collection, they are not gonna even open your email. But segmentation allows you to send different emails to customers depending on their gender, age, location, purchase history, interests, etc. Which helps you to ensure the right content goes out to the right subscribers. And as a result, it increases email open rates, boosts click-through rates, and decreases your email unsubscribe rates. Moreover, segments make it easier to write more personalized subject lines and messages for a specific group of people. Which makes your customers feel like it was just made for them and you genuinely care about them.

Remove Inactive Subscribers:

Collecting email addresses is not the end; you need to maintain your email list hygiene also. Proper email list hygiene can be maintained by removing inactive, bounced, and other non-engaging email addresses from your lists. An inactive email address could be anyone who has not engaged with any email in the past 6 months or more and may have changed email accounts, or maybe they just aren’t interested in your brand anymore.

Unengaged users from your email list can kill your emails’ open and click-through rates. They can also increase the chances of your emails will be flagged as spam. Moreover, keeping an unengaged subscriber means that you’re paying extra money for people who aren’t seeing your emails or no longer interested to hear from you. So keep your list fresh and filled with engaged subscribers to improve your reputation, and engagement rates and reduce the likelihood of your email deny list.

Remember, if your subscribers haven’t opted out of your email newsletter doesn’t mean they’re still interested. To know what they are thinking, you can send them an email before removing them and ask them if they would like to update their information and their preferences.

Use catchy subject lines:

The subject line is something that users see even before opening the message. So using catchy subject line impressively impact your email open and click rates. It not only lets your recipients know what to expect from your email but also encourages your recipients to take action. Just make your subject lines stand out and leave out key details in your subject line that pique your subscribers’ interest and entice them to open.

Effective subject lines use action words and strong verbs that spark curiosity. Adding a subscriber’s name to your subject line makes your message highly customized and personal. Don’t use any spammy words, excessive exclamation marks, or capital letters as these might trigger the spam filter. Also, tiny screens tend to cut off long subject lines. It’s wise to keep 6-10 words in the subject lines. So users who check their inboxes from their mobile devices can see the subject line and your open rate increases. Curiosity and urgency are both powerful emotions when it comes to email marketing. If you have a special pricing promotion or a sale on your website is coming to an end, let readers know directly in the subject line.

 Find the Right Sending Time:

What’s the point of sending emails if you send them late at night when your customer is sleeping? Sending emails at a perfect time has a significant impact on your open rate. It can highly influence the action you want a customer to take.

The best time to send an email will differ based on whom you are sending the email to. So rather than choosing a random time to send your emails, be strategic. Use your user’s data (such as their email reading habits, their location, etc) and choose a time that makes sense for them. You can test different times to figure out the most opportune time to send out your email campaign. You may even run A/B tests to identify which timeframes seem to do best.

Use Frequency Capping:

Maintaining the frequency of sending emails is one of the crucial yet underrated email marketing tips. If you wait too long to reach out to your customers, they may forget you. If you send too soon, your Customers can suffer email fatigue causing them to disengage and unsubscribe.  Sending out email maintaining frequency will help your subscribers know what to expect from you and when.

Choose a perfect frequency for sending emails so that you stay on top of their mind without inundating them with too many emails. Don’t send them too frequently or too infrequently. Change the frequency of your emails by monitoring the number of open rates and unsubscribes. To find out the best space between your emails, ask your subscribers how often they want to hear from you. You can even let them choose frequency settings or poll with an option to get your email daily, weekly, or monthly. 

Optimize For Mobile:

Mobile is the most widely used device to open promotional emails, it’s more important than ever that marketers design their emails with mobile users in mind. Marketing emails are often drafted and edited on desktop computers, so sometimes marketers forget about mobile users. If your email doesn’t display correctly on mobile, a large number of your audience is going to think you are not professional enough. Don’t send anything without making sure it’s working properly. Always check how your message looks both on a desktop and mobile device.

You have to appeal to them through mobile optimization best practices. You need to pay special attention to several elements of your campaign. Firstly, bump up the font size for improved readability on smartphones.  Users shouldn’t have to scroll or zoom in and out to read it. Also, use a single-column layout so that you don’t need to use horizontal scroll bars. Secondly, use a clear CTA button that is larger than 45px. Lastly, make your unsubscribe button easy to find and tap.


There are no single email marketing tips that will guarantee better conversions. It’s a combination of good planning and analyzing data to make improvements to your email marketing campaigns. But following these above-mentioned email marketing tips can collectively help to drive your conversions and sales through the roof.

If you have some more email marketing tips please let us know in the comment section. We appreciate your further comments, support, or suggestions!

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