Email marketing is one of the decade-old strategies that is still an effective marketing technique. It’s not only the oldest but also the easiest way to connect with your leads and get a good ROI. However, to achieve the most out of email marketing, you first need to fine-tune your strategy and execution. But if you’re brand new to it, it’s crucial to grasp the basics.

Got confused? Don’t worry!

This email marketing beginners guide will provide an overview of what is email marketing, what are the benefits of email marketing, and how to do email marketing effectively.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. Aside from direct responses to customer questions, every email a company sends to its customers is considered email marketing. It is a direct marketing channel that lets businesses share new products, sales, and updates with customers on their contact lists. This may sound time-consuming, but email marketing service providers like OptinMagic make it very easy for you. In the long run, an effective email marketing strategy not only drives sales but also increases your brand awareness.

Why do you need email marketing?

Apart from being the primary source of marketing communication, there are many others benefits email marketing has. These are 9 of the main benefits that make email marketing the best marketing approach.

  1. Highly Customizable: With email marketing, you can segment your audience using location, demographic, and past purchase data. And you can also customize your emails depending on the group of customers you’d like to reach out to.
  2. Easy to Measure Success: Email marketing campaigns are highly measurable to understand their success or failure of it. You can set goals for individual email campaigns, track conversions, measure the ROI and improve them over time.
  3. Allow Targeted Communication: With email marketing, people who are already interested in your service willingly choose to sign up for your emails. As a result, you can target only relevant leads and increases engagement and conversion.
  4. Very Inexpensive: With email marketing, there’s no cost in buying ad space or creating a targeted audience, as in social media and search ads. Most of the email marketing service charges are based on the size of your email list. This means you can reach a wide audience with a single email marketing campaign at a very minimal cost.
  5. Connect Mobile Device Users: Email marketing strategy takes your brand to a wide range of people linked to their mobile devices. People can see your emails no matter wherever they are or what device they are using.
  6. More Effective Than Social Media: Where you can’t be sure if someone has actually seen what you have posted on social media, a personalized marketing email can be more impactful. Someone who clicks on your email can immediately be committed to and engaged with your content.
  7. Boosts Brand Awareness: Through email marketing, you always stay on top of your customer’s minds. As a result, they always choose your brand for shopping. And that not only increase your sale but also your brand value.
  8. Builds Customer Relationships: Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with your customers. The more you communicate with your customer the more you understand their behavior, likes and dislikes and build personal relationships with them.
  9. Excellent ROI: Email marketing is the proven source of revenue for your business. It returns more than $44 for every $1 that you spend on it. No other marketing strategy offers the same level of ROI that email marketing offers.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns to Send to Your Customers:

There are so many different types of email marketing campaigns to reach your lead, prospect, or new customer in their inbox. All those types have their respective advantages and disadvantages. In this email marketing beginners guide, we’ll discuss 5 types of email marketing campaigns you can send to your customers right away.

1. Welcome Emails:

Usually, when we meet new people, we start by introducing ourselves. Welcome emails work exactly the same. When someone signs up for your mailing list, you should hit them with a friendly message to thank them. And as they have already signed up for your email list, they’re most likely ready to hear from you. Doing so will not only educate them about your brand but also allow them to learn more about your products.

Welcome emails show better open and click-through rates when you offer a personal touch. So don’t waste them with just a simple “Hello”. Include a free gift or discount code as a “thank you” for signing up on your welcome form. Tell them what they should expect from your brand. You can ask them some questions about themselves, like their birthday or location, how they found you, and even ask that they select preferences for how often they’d like to hear from you.

2. Newsletters:

The newsletter is the most popular one out of all the types of email marketing campaigns. Even most of the company use email newsletters as the foundation of their email marketing program.  The main purpose of newsletters is to cover what your company has been up to recently. It’s a great format to highlight your latest offer or new content you’ve posted. This lets your customers know about going on at your business and what they’re missing out on. With newsletters, you even get a chance to display your latest customer reviews, latest research, or interesting insights with your audience.

Newsletters are the newspaper of your business. Like newspapers, make sure your readers get into the habit of receiving your newsletters. Send your newsletters at a regular frequency. But don’t send them too often. That can also create a bad impression on your subscriber and decrease the quality of your newsletters. Send newsletters only when you have something valuable or interesting to say. Also, try to personalize newsletters using customers’ behavior. For example, let customers know when a product or service they like is on sale.

Remember, your email newsletters represent who you are so you have to ensure it’s designed well. Stay mindful of your goal and spend time in deciding on the right placement of images and text, alignment and prioritization of information. Most importantly, prioritize the placement of calls-to-actions.

3. Promotional Emails:

As the name refers, promotional email is a form of email marketing that convinces customers to make a purchase. These emails basically used to incentive customers to download, subscribe, or register for your service. By sending these emails, you simply let your email subscribers know more about the product you offer and tell them how they can benefit from using it. When executed correctly, promotional emails can help bring exposure to your brand, build customer engagement and confidence, as well as boost revenue. Therefore, the content and design of a promotional email should focus on persuading the recipient to take action within a specified time.

Keep your promotional emails simple and add a discount, a sale, or a personalized offer that encourages your subscriber to take the next step. It should contain concise calls to action that prompt customers to buy a product. Include customers’ data, such as their name and last order details to personalize the email. Also, decide the appropriate number of marketing emails to send depending on the type of product or service that you are promoting. Sending too many promotional emails can bother your customer and lead to users unsubscribing from a service. However, sending 1 to 6 messages a month is ideal.

4. Post-purchase Emails:

Post-purchase emails are email series that are sent not to sell but to create an awesome experience when someone already has purchased your product or service. Building long-term relationships with customers are key to running a successful eCommerce business. Also, keeping past customers is far more profitable than finding new ones. The more exceptional experience you create the better relationship you’ll be able to build with your customers.

Post-purchase emails are great to build trust with your customers. They make a huge impact on customer satisfaction and decide whether a customer will just be a one-timer or they’ll keep coming back to your store. As long as you use them strategically, they will virtually guarantee a happy, appreciated customer, and increase loyalty and engagement.  

These emails can be a thank you message, feature tips on how to use the item they purchased, a summary of the purchase including a tracking number, the total amount the customer spent, or estimated shipping date. But no matter what the content says, be sure to keep the subject line clear and concise. The design needs to be simple and may include a CTA for the customer to track their purchase.

5.  The Abandoned Cart Emails:

An abandoned cart is when your customers put something in their online shopping cart, consider checking out, and leave your website without making a purchase. An abandoned cart email should be sent to convince them for completing their shopping. If you want to win back lost customers and increase sales, abandoned cart emails are the best way to convert lost business and turn a lost prospect into a brand enthusiast.

This type of marking email should remind customers of the items within their cart with some sort of discount on those products to make them return to your website and complete the purchase. Create an eye-catching subject line, something like this: “Your order is not complete” or “You left something behind.” Use calls-to-actions, like “Return to your cart,” “Finish the purchase,” and “Go to checkout,” so that it’s clear to a recipient what their next step is. Also, creating FOMO can be incredibly effective. You can do so by telling them that the product from their abandoned cart is running out.


Hope after reading this email marketing beginners guide, you now know exactly how email marketing can help you to better connect with your target audience and sell more products. If you want to take an even deeper dive into email marketing, stay tuned to our Blog page.

Now that, you know everything about email marketing, you might be ready to grow your email list right away. Check how to get started with OptinMagic, to grow your email list and get more customers.

How To Create Campaigns In OptinMagic | Best Lead Generation Software 2022
How To Integrate A Campaign With A Website | OptinMagic Integration Tutorials

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