Add/Edit Fields

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, capturing accurate and relevant user data is crucial for delivering personalized experiences and driving conversions. OptinMagic, a powerful marketing tool, empowers businesses to create captivating campaigns and capture valuable information from their audience. However, to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns, it’s essential to understand how to add new fields or edit existing fields within your OptinMagic campaigns.

Whether you’re looking to gather additional information, enhance segmentation, or personalize user interactions, OptinMagic provides the flexibility and customization options to achieve your goals. To make it easy, we have created a video tutorial on how to add new fields or edit existing fields in OptinMagic that you can watch below.

However, if you just want to follow text instructions, then you can follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to add new fields or edit an existing field inside a campaign. Let’s follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the OptinMagic Campaign Builder #

Log in to your OptinMagic account and navigate to the campaign builder section. Next, select the specific campaign where you want to add a new field.

Step 2: Add a New Field #

Look for an “Edit” button on the top left corner of the campaign, this will open an editing panel or toolbar. To add a new field click on the “Add Item” button, it will provide you with various options for fields such as text input, dropdown menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. Some of those fields can be used only once in a campaign or some of them can be used as many times as you want. So choose the field you want to add to your campaign.

Step 3: Customize the New Field #

Now, click on the newly added item from the field list and it will take you to the field editor toolbar. From the toolbar, you can change the height, width, background color, border, font size, etc. You can also delete the field from the top left side of the editing toolbar.

Step 4: Save and Update the Campaign #

After customizing the new field, it’s time to save your changes. Click on the “Save” button within the campaign builder to ensure that your modifications are applied.

By following these steps, you can easily add a new field to your OptinMagic campaign. Remember to thoroughly test the campaign so that you can ensure a seamless user experience and accurate data capture. With the ability to add new fields, you can enhance the information you collect from your audience and tailor your campaigns for better targeting and personalization. To get more tutorials on OptinMagic, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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