Benefits Of Opt in Email Marketing

In this competitive era, grabbing customers’ attention toward your business is getting harder day by day. But a strategic email marketing campaign not only grabs your customers’ attention but also grows your business. Email marketing gives you a direct way to communicate with your prospects and a great way to reel in new customers. And when you are going to start with email marketing, the benefits of opt in email marketing is the crucial one to consider.

Want to know what is opt-in email marketing?

In this guide, we’re going to share some benefits of opt in email marketing. But before that let’s know you what email marketing is.

What is Opt-in Email Marketing?

benefits of opt in email marketing

We all know, opt-in means joining in something. And the same goes for opt-in email marketing. Opt-in email marketing means asking your prospects whether it’s all right for them to receive promotional materials, email newsletters, and other email marketing campaigns. Basically, it’s a simple way to ask your customers to join your email list. As opt-in email marketing is a marketing approach where you ask for users’ permission before sending them any marketing materials, it’s also called permission marketing.

Sending an unsolicited email can derail your customer’s perception of your company. Opt-in email marketing helps you avoid sending your customers’ unsolicited emails. By taking your users’ permission for sending your content you show respect for their time and privacy.

There are primarily two different types of opt-in available for email marketing: Single or Unconfirmed Opt-in and Double or Confirmed Opt-in.

Single or Unconfirmed Opt-in:

Single or unconfirmed opt-in is an opt-in where a customer can join your email list immediately by submitting their email ids in a signup form. It’s called single opt-in because users don’t require taking any further action to join the list. It’s the easiest process to adopt opt-in email marketing and grow the email list quickly. Single opt-in is used by most companies since they don’t want to risk that extra step. Because most often requiring more actions from the customer’s end can cause a change of mind and not push through in joining the list. However, some people may misuse this option by typing someone else email address or an unknown email address, as users don’t need to confirm whether that email address belongs to them or not.

Double or Confirmed Opt-in:

Double opt-in is a two-step opt-in process where you send your subscribers an email to confirm their subscription after they have signed up with their email addresses. And when the user confirms his email authentication then he will be confirmed as your subscriber. This extra step assures the sellers that those email addresses are authentic and tells how interested the customer is. Moreover, the double opt-in method is to lessen the chance of emails going directly to the spam folder and cut down spammer subscribers.

Benefits of Opt in Email Marketing:

There are many, many good reasons why businesses should use opt-in email marketing. Let’s look at a few.

It’s Cost-effective:

Compared to any other marketing and advertising options the costs of email marketing can be much lower. There are no advertising fees, printing, or media space costs. With opt-in email marketing, you have less number of targeted subscribers. So you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to find your ideal audience and reach a large number of consumers. You can reach only the prospects who are already interested in your business. Moreover, the cost per conversion is so low with email marketing. Initially, you can go for any free plan from any email marketing service provider. Moving forward you should move to paid plans with advanced capabilities to scale up.

Help Creating Personalized Content:

No one like to read an email that just blasted out to a bunch of people. With opt-in email marketing, your content can be highly personalized to your audience’s needs. Personalization can be as small as including a contact’s name in the email. But it makes your audience feel special. From crafting the perfect subject lines to images that resonate with your customer those will create a personal-feelings for your customer and increase your click-through rate. With opt-in email marketing, you can create different segmented lists based on their preferences, engagement levels, or even on geography. By using the correct data, you can send targeted messages to your buyers when they are most likely to have time to read them.

Increase Brand Awareness:

As we already know, opt-in email marketing allows you to have direct contact with the leads. And when you have direct contact with your customers on a regular basis, it builds trust and relationships between you and your customer. By sharing email addresses your leads already have shown a level of interest in your business. Now you can increase their level of interest and stay on top of their mind with email marketing. The more they will know about your brand the more they will trust you. And building trust and relationships improve your brand reputation.

Don’t always try to sell your product through email marketing. By doing this, you may irritate your customers, prohibits the ultimate possibility of building trust and result in a damaged brand image. Try to create resources that reflect your values to enable buyers and prospects to shape an image of your brand and feel connected to it.

Boost SEO:

Although it’s impossible to say opt-in email marketing is a direct ranking factor, time on site and bounce rate can effortlessly boost your SEO. Email marketing means having direct contact with those who are genuinely interested in your content. And as you are only targeting those who already have an interest in their brand, they will click on the CTA button and go to your website. Ultimately, it will increase pageviews and user sessions and reduce their chances of bouncing away from your website. As a result, search engines like Google gets a positive signal about your brand and cause a positive impact on your SEO. Just make sure you share your content with a clear call-to-action (CTA). Moreover, when you redirect your website from any reputable external website it tells search engines that people trust you.


No one can deny the benefit of opt-in email marketing. So it’s quite evident that every business needs to put an effective opt-in email strategy in the game, to make a business successful. But while giving your customers the opportunity to opt-in, remember to keep an opt-out option. And once your customers choose to opt-out, you should remove them from your list immediately.

Hope, this article helped you with the benefits of opt in email marketing. If you want to add something valuable to this post comment down below.

Also, to get the benefits of opt in email marketing, contact the OptinMagic team!

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